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The Third Parliaments' goal is to ease loneliness among housebound elders ​and Holocaust survivors through interactive, digital group meetings via Zoom


Loneliness is the greatest enemy of old age. It affects the quality of life and may lead to ​depression, as well as a decline in the emotional, cognitive and physical well-being of those who ​experience it. Loneliness affects not only seniors who live alone but also those with families.

Our Activity​

Support groups that meet on a regular basis

We establish and facilitate interactive group meetings ​featuring diverse content and activities. These sessions ​provide a platform for participants to connect with one ​another, creating meaningful relationships and a sense of ​belonging—all without the need to step outside their homes.

We provide accessible tablets for those in need

We have developed software that enables one-click ​access to meetings, eliminating the risk of clicking ​malicious links, preventing changes to input modes, and ​ensuring a smooth user experience.

Each member is paired with a companion

Each participant is accompanied by a volunteer who ​maintains a continuous and caring contact with them ​during the week and provides moral support.

About us

We are a group of activists joining forces to support the elderly population confined to their homes, ​particularly in situations where authorities struggle to provide sufficient aid. This cause resonates ​personally with each of us, fueling our motivation to establish the Third Parliament.

Our vision

A community in which every elderly individual has an accessible social support system.

Eden Dagan


board of directors

Ami Bergman


Chairman board of directors

Dr. Sharon Mor


Association's gerontologist

Natali Sun


Liaison with the members

Itzik Lerner


Initiator of the association

Iris Bejerano



Volunteering in the third parliament

Join us in creating a positive impact for thousands of lonely ​elderly individuals. Volunteer for a meaningful mission that ​resonates with each of us at some point in our lives.

Engage in a fulfilling activity where the love and gratitude ​you receive are boundless. Volunteering with us is simple, ​can be done from anywhere, and fits into your schedule.

We promise a connection with a fantastic team of dedicated ​activists.

Explore the diverse ​volunteering opportunities ​available with us

Testimonials from our members

"I've never felt as lonely as I have in recent years...How did you find your way into my life?"

I don't understand what did i do to deserve all this goodness...”

"I get so much pleasure from the songs and the meetings..."

"Since the beginning of the war, I have been in front of the television all day, in fear.

You managed to take away my fear for a few hours..."

"We are already like a family..."

"I'm at home all day, I hardly go out. Really looking forward to tomorrow's meeting"


.Help us make a difference in the lives of lonely elderly individuals​

Why consider donating to us?

Our efforts to assist seniors confined to their homes are unmatched. We focus on a ​population for whom authorities face challenges in providing support. The enduring ​commitment of our group members serves as evidence of our success.

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Wire transfer

The Thired Parliament

Bank Hapoalim - 12

Branch: 673

Account: 472418

IBAN: IL830126730000000472418

Together, we will make a positive change for ​thousands of homebound elderly facing loneliness.

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I want to donate

M.A.: Menahem Begin Av. 23, Hadera, Israel.

Tel: +972-50-5710580, iris@parlament3.org